Client Feedback
“Every human being in this world has potential: it is about tapping that potential and developing an environment around them so that they can achieve at their optimum.”
Kurt and Liezel
When our usually sweet caring boy started displaying behavioural issues shortly after starting school, Prakash Grover was recommended to us by the Deputy Principal of our son’s school as they had seen great results with other students, after their families had worked with Prakash.
After thorough assessments and family interviews, Prakash provided us with insightful and invaluable information relating to what our son was going through and how best to support him.
Our son’s confidence has since grown and his anxiety is well within manageable levels. He is thriving at school and within 3 months of working with Prakash, he received two awards at school. We now have a deeper understanding of the reasons for certain behaviours as well as being better equipped on how to manage other behaviours which are unavoidable i.e. hyperactivity / fidgeting.
Prakash has a rapport with his clients and it is immediately obvious how much he cares and how invested he is in helping families. Working with Prakash is an investment and requires time commitment.
Prakash’s methods are ideal for families seeking to learn long-term behavioural management strategies, before looking at medication and we cannot thank him enough for the help he has given us.
Frans and Suzette
Amy and Paul Wyatt
We were recommended Prakash by a friend of ours who was working with Prakash at the time. We have worked with several different people in the past for our son who has really struggled with learning issues since he was 5 years old, but we haven’t received the help that we desperately needed for him. We were at the point where we really needed to do something to support our son – his learning, behaviour, and self-esteem were all suffering. Prakash was the help we needed! He was so professional and passionate, and genuinely cared about helping us and our son. Since working with Prakash, he has helped in both areas of learning and behaviour. Through learning more about our son, and understanding him better, he is beginning to finally thrive. We have made a few changes at home and to his schooling, and we are already seeing progress. We are so thankful to Prakash for his gift in this area – he was able to help us and our son which we know will be life changing! Thank you so much!
Anna Maharaj
I wanted to touch base to let you know thanks to your teaching and support Jamiee has successfully completed College at Strathallan achieving incredible results and starts university in February. Despite the Coivd interruptions Jamiee thrived online in year 13 and was able to stay on track by adapting her processing routines and environment. After our last session a few years ago now with you we have continued with Jamiee’s routines, structure and consistency which enabled Jamiee to not only pass all A level Cambridge exams at Strathallan, also drive and feel a sense of achievement Life.
I will be forever thankful and grateful to you and what you taught us as a family that supports Jamiee. She turned 18 last September and we couldn’t be more proud of the young lady she is.
I hope all is well you in this crazy Covid world .
Our message comes with the perspective of time. We want to offer a debt of gratitude to the program, and strategies deployed by Prakash with our son over the space of 3 years or so, starting around 7 years ago.
Our son is currently doing a range of mathematics and physics papers at University. At the end of his first full year, he has been officially endorsed by the university as a top student, and he has won a major award. He is a club captain, and NZ level top sportsman in an Olympic elite sport. He also did very well at music, having the highest Cambridge mark in what is a very musically competitive school.
I say all this, as it is such a contrast from the child who was starting to break, when we first met Prakash all those years ago. My parental relationship with our child was also well on the way to breaking down. Our child had a range of health issues in early child hood being often sick. A year before he had an operation, that saw him under a general anesthetic for 5.5 hours. The operation seemed to be the catalyst for a sudden change in cognitive ability.
Our child was at that point flat-lining in English, sometimes struggling to fill his name in at the top of the page. He just “blanked out” at any questions that were of a non-binary manner. Homework that involved theme, plot summary, characterisation and so on, just led to a complete battleground. It was an absolute nightmare. At intermediate school, he had a teacher who made it their personal mission, to create misery with the child. Needless to say, he hated going to school, and all his subjects were suffering.
The teacher concerned, also had connections at the local high school. Therefore, when he went there, he continued to be singled out and bullied by a group of teachers. I make that comment in hindsight, because at the time, I was too busy listening to those high school teachers, also saying what a hopeless case our child was.
We started seeing Prakash. It was a huge financial commitment at the time, as we were in dire financial straits. It was the best investment we could possibly have made. Prakash firstly identified our child with a processing disorder, and worked with him on developing a strategy to get through school work. However, just as importantly, Prakash bought us as parents into the conversation and process at every step. We started to feel more relaxed, and our son started to feel more relaxed and grow in confidence.
Lastly, Prakash worked with us to develop a strategy to deal with the local (supposedly top reputation) high school. This was in many ways the most difficult of all. The school moved back and forth from an aggressive stance (trying to force us to use one of “their qualified” child psychologists), through to being very defensive. At one point, they were just about begging for us to leave the school.
Thankfully, in every school there are good teachers. At one point a teacher rang me to say how amazing our child is. He followed up by saying, he needed to tell me, so I heard something else, apart from the “trash talk” about our child, around the staff room.
Prakash went in as our warrior, to very elegantly force the school to change how it approaches students with special needs. Our boy started to flourish, and grow in confidence from that point on. Prakash is a true master child psychologist. He understands children, and the importance of their environment. Massive thank you.
John Moore
This reference is to support Mr. Prakash Grover. My experience with Prakash has been as a Psychologist and Speech Language Therapist at Mt Richmond Special needs school and I have known him in this capacity for about 3 years.
Originally, my son Nicholas, who has Autism attended a different special needs school and during his teenage years his autism asserted itself in very difficult and trying ways. It got to the point where his existing school simply could not cope and it became obvious that we needed an alternative for Nicholas.
In the end, after looking very carefully at the other schools available we decided on Mt Richmond. The main reason for this was the attitude in the school, one of positivism, understanding and a determination that no problem was too big to be overcome. Prakesh, in particular, was determined that Nicholas’s problems were able to be overcome with the right techniques and strategies and he started putting those techniques into place immediately and the positive results started to come in the next few months.
Since then, Nicholas has made steady and very noticeable improvements in his behavior, his attitude to others and he is a considerably happier boy. I attribute a large amount of this change to the approach, skills and professionalism shown by Prakash. I think he has done wonders and our family is deeply grateful to him. Prakash is a man with great understanding about behaviours and above all he has very positive attitude.
I would not hesitate to recommend him at any time and would be happy to be contacted personally should anyone wish to do so.
Chris McTague
I am a 24 year old male who was diagnosed with dyslexia in 1998. I have confidence and anxiety issues which over the years I have put up barriers and walls as coping strategies but I found that these were only working short term. I have tried different courses and seen different people to work on my dyslexia and associate issues, such my confidence and anxiety.
Since Year 11 I have had a dream and now I’ve turned it into a goal to become a policeman. As i knew i had these issues i wanted to seek more help to solve them or develop better strategies to cope with them. I was introduced to Prakash through my supportive parents. Prakash is a registered psychologist and a speech language therapist with many years of experience. He has been working with me for just over 8 weeks now. He understands my issues which he has been able to provide some positive strategies which have helped.
The strategies and hints Prakash has passed on has enabled me to cope easier with my anxiety for example: taking myself away from the situation and splashing my face with water. This has helped many times when I have started to panic as the water freshens me up, clears some of the negative feelings, so i can go back with a more positive frame of mind. The other strategies range from basic sentence structure which includes Onions and Tomatoes (pre – made sentences) – these have been most effective with creating emails and my everyday work to Public speaking which included the movement of my hands to help create more ideas in my head.
I know it is early days but already it feels like the new strategies are working. I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge and developing the strategies further so I can continue to build my confidence and reduce my anxiety to achieve my goal. Prakash is really an exceptional professional with versatile skills.
I would like to thank Prakash for the time and effort he has given me so far. I strongly recommend his services for everyone who has issues such as dyslexia. Should you wish to do so, you can do so. Prakash has my contact details.
After years of asking why my son seemed to be struggling with certain learning areas, we have now found the solution – Prakash Grover!
My son is 14 and ever since he started school I have questioned his teachers as to why he has struggled with writing, reading and maths. I was always told he was ‘very bright’. Why then, I asked, could he not spell his full name at the age of ten?
A mature, well spoken child, he has managed to slip between the cracks. This year he was put in the bottom streamed class for maths and after spending a considerable amount of money on tutors, we were getting no where.
A friend of a friend told me about ABL services and when I spoke to Lynn Beresford about my concerns, she said we needed Prakash. How right she was.
After attending the initial assessment session we decided to invest in the full programme and are reaping the rewards. My son is a lot happier and more successful with his independent studies. He has grown in confidence and we as a family have grown in understanding of his learning needs.
Prakash has taught us some very simple systems which have revolutionised the running of our house. He has also shown us that our hectic lifestyles might work for us and the rest of the family, but they are not working for my son.
We have slowed down, adjusted to the new systems and have been rewarded with better grades and a more confident learner.
Prakash had an instant rapport with my son and we as a family trust him completely. His many levels of expertise allow him to diagnose individual needs. My son had previously been labelled dyslexic and told to ‘just try harder’ but Prakash has assessed his needs in several areas and has not labelled him at all. He is treating the whole person with humour and respect and we are very privileged to have his continued support and counsel.
Carolyn Annan
We are the proud parents of a happy, loving and quite gorgeous, 15 year old young man. Logan was a bright pre-schooler who reached all his milestones early and was described by his pre-school teachers as ‘incredibly bright’ and a ‘delight’ to have around. We were lucky enough not to go through many of the usual trials and tribulations that many families suffer while navigating the first five years of their child’s life.
Then…he started school! Within three weeks we were experiencing behavioural problems, tears, tantrums, resistance, anger and frustration.
Logan was like a different child. It was heart breaking and certainly not what we expected. The subsequent eight years were an educational rollercoaster for Logan, and a nightmare for us. How could merely going to school change our beautiful child so much?
We shed so much blood, sweat and tears over his schooling, not to mention the thousands of dollars in assessments, extra tutoring and many educational resources.
When Logan was 9 we had learned enough to know that something was definitely going on. After all, how could a perfectly happy child be so distressed at school and about homework? He was much more relaxed on school holidays and after a week or so he would begin to return to his normal happy self. We always returned him to school reluctantly! Homework became a battleground. We tried bribes, threats of removing privileges, punishments such as early bed times and loss of pocket money. Nothing seemed to work. We finally had him assessed with an educational psychologist who diagnosed (what we already suspected), dyslexia. What a relief.
Okay, so now we knew what was going on, what on earth were we going to do about it? (The Ed Psych in question was not a lot of help).
Logan has been at 3 different schools and whilst many of his teachers were polite, respectful and supportive, none of them had a clue what to do. They are just not trained to deal with children with specific learning difficulties. They become impatient and basically ignore them, unless they are telling them off. Logan has been verbally abused by teachers due to their ignorance of dyslexia and they want blame the child for not wanting to learn. They could not be more wrong!
I am happy and relieved to say that two and a half years ago we met Prakash Grover. Logan felt instantly at ease with Prakash and although he lacked self confidence at that stage, he enjoyed that first session and was so impressed that Prakash seemed to know so much about him in just a short time. We have continued to see Prakash for ongoing support and help with study skills. Since Prakash has been in our lives, school work has become much easier with Logan progressing incredibly well. It’s fair to say that Prakash really is one of Logan’s friends. He loves going to see him.
Prakash has helped Logan to understand himself really well and to operate in a way that maximises his learning. Many of the skills that Prakash taught Logan were put to the test when we did correspondence schooling for 3 months last year. It’s the first time that Logan has been able to work independently and for long periods of time. In fact I had to interrupt him working so that he would come and eat!!! Amazingly Logan went from a decade of struggling at school to practically a straight A student! We are all very happy, proud and relieved.
Although Logan has worked hard and we have helped wherever we can, we have no doubt that we could not have done this without the skills, support, and knowledge of Prakash. He is a very special man and if all teachers could be trained by him they would be able to change the lives of so many young people. I don’t believe it’s difficult to teach a child that finds learning easy. But the true test of a teacher is them being able to reach EVERY child in the classroom. Between our two children (we have an 11 year old dyslexic daughter, Danielle, who Prakash is also helping us with.) we have chalked up 16 years of schooling and during this time I have met very few teachers that can pull this off. The Education System in New Zealand needs to make big changes and with special people like Mr Prakash Grover involved, those changes can only be for the better.
I would recommend Prakash to any parent who’s child is experiencing learning difficulties or emotional issues. And I would recommend Prakash to any teacher or school who are really committed to reaching every child on their roll.
Every child deserves a quality education, it is their right. The only way this can happen is by affording each of those children a ‘level playing field’ on which to learn.
P. Koller
I am a 18 year old girl and have been diagnosed with ADHD by a specialist who prescribed Retalin for me. Instead of filling my body with chemicals I chose to look for other options and was fortunate enough to be referred to Prakash by my school.
Before Prakash’s help I was struggling with my organisation skills even though I always tried hard to organise myself. My maths scores were very low.
With Prakash’s help and guidance I am changing my life for the better. I got 100% in maths last week, my work is handed over in time and my mum no longer has to be hassle me over my messy room.
Prakash has now become a good and trusted friend.
I would not hesitate to recommend anyone with issues of dyslexia and ADHD to Prakash.
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Behaviour displayed by children and adults is a product of their experiences and learning. It has a meaning and function. Behaviour can be modified if we can modify their experiences and environment.